Rock & Rose [Search results for film]
Independent cinema: "RED" a 1950s' period piece
Film Actress Friday: Anna Karina
The women of Hitchcock films
Film Actress Friday: Barbara Stanwyck
Shutter Island
The Killers (1946)
Sophia Loren in Arabesque
Film Actress Friday: Eva Marie Saint
Drew Barrymore in Grey Gardens
Film Actress Friday: Maria Felix
An Education
Film Actress Friday: Anita Ekberg
Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny
White Christmas
Coco Avant Chanel
Film Actress Friday: Diana Dors
Starting the New Year off with a bang and When Harry Met Sally..
A not so happy blog post
Keep Breakfast at Tiffany's, I'll take Funny Face
Christina Hendricks on New York Magazine