Although I am a beauty school student, there are quite a few days when I am feeling a little bit lazy with my hair, or I am trying to figure out what there is left to do with a couple day old set. A scarf is one of my solutions.
When I want to look a little put together but I only want to spend 2 minutes on my hair, I do this quick little hairdo. I put the top into a beehive-ish twist and messy twist the bottom half of my hair to meet the top. Then I tie a scarf around my head and leave a bit of bang. I dislike having no hair framing my face, but you could also do a cute roll in front, a faux bang, or just tuck the hair into the scarf.
The finished result:

The back (please excuse the messiness, I took this photo at the end of the day, this could be cute as much sleeker look as well):

Also, I decided to become un-lazy after I took these photos and I touched up my roots, hopefully I will have a weekend full of hair experiments.
Happy Friday!