I love having some of the weekend to catch up on things I did during the week. I got around to doing my roots the other day and afterwards I decided to experiment with some sponge rollers. When I saw that Andi B. Goode does her hair with sponge rollers, I wanted to try it, and now I finally got around to it.
The last time I used sponge rollers was, well, when my mom used to put them in my hair when I was little. I blow-dried my hair so it wouldn't be so damp and then I slept in the sponge rollers. Much more comfortable than pin-curls! This is what my hair looked like after I wore them for the whole day.
My results:

Overall I am pleased with how they turned out. I didn't use any product to set it, so I think next time I will try that, along with maybe trying another pattern.
In other non-hair news, I was hired to photograph 2 different pin-up shoots, and a make-up gig! Fun stuff!
Also, if any of you have suggestions to make this hair better, by all means... tell me!
xx Naomi