Today this film "A Single Man" was on my mind. I have been wanting to see it since it's limited release in the US on December 11th but haven't gotten a chance yet. It is supposed to have a wider release this year. For those who haven't heard about it, it is the directorial debut of Tom Ford starring Julianne Moore and Colin Firth and it has been nominated for 3 Golden Globes.
It is a period piece set in 1962, based on the 1964 Christopher Isherwood novel. It's production design oddly enough, is the same production design team that creates the production sets for Mad Men.
The story is about a man named George whose longtime partner Jim suddenly died 8 months ago. The chronicles only one day of his life, one in which he plans to commit suicide in the evening. Before he plans to do this he meets up with his friend Charley (Julianne Moore) he has encounters with both a Spanish prostitute and a young student.
So the will he or won't he? Look it up, or see the movie ;) I have included stills and a trailer