A couple of weeks ago I went to an outdoor antique show with my mom on Long Beach Island in New Jersey. From what I gathered this is something that they have once in August and once in September every year. I ended up getting a couple of goodies, although they had so many things I just died over. Alot of vendors come from all over to have booths there. My two early purchases were the crown ring for just 1$ and the blue clip on earrings, from another booth, also for 1$.

We ended up getting there a little late and by the time we were through walking around some of then vendors were cleaning up. I saw a rack of vintage clothes at the vendor next to the one I was looking at, and by the time I turned around, she had literally packed up all the clothes! I ended up finding something at the booth I was at. The moment I set my eyes on the leopard pillbox hat, I knew it had to come home with me. We talked her down from 20$ to 15$ and that was my big purchase of the day. I can't wait to wear it with the leopard bag that I purchased on St. Marks in New York a few years ago. The prints match exactly. I'll post pictures when I finally wear it :)

On my way out I couldn't resist but to purchase a pink purse I had seen on the way in. I didn't purchase it right away because I was afraid I would see something I liked better but I ended up having enough money to get it too. Although the woman at that table had already packed up, she offered to get it out of her car for me. So I got the cute pink purse for 4$! I was so happy it came home with me, I have had a pink purse on my wishlist for awhile.

Please don't mind the photos! I couldn't bare to put myself in them after a long day of work and school.
Tomorrow my boyfriend and I are going to a flea market, so we'll see what gems will be found!
Until then
-xx Naomi