Rock & Rose   +  Katy Perry

Katy Perry really pisses me off (ELLE magazine September 2012)

That's right. I said it. She makes me really mad. However, when the September fall fashion issue of ELLE came in the mail at first glance I thought I was really into her cover look. Upon further investigation I discovered she irks me even more. I think the reason why this particular issue bothered me so much is that in the spread her hair looks so "I never grew out of my goth stage" or something. I understand an artists need to be unique, but come on Katy, you are almost 28 and we all know you never shopped at Hot Topic.. so what's with the Elvira look? Even if the cover has a quote from Katy saying, "I can't be the Candy Queen forever", maybe she should reconsider.

  1. > Ellery
  2. > Last Nights Look...
  3. > Keeping Watch
  4. > I'm Still Here!
  5. > Style Stalking: Kate Bosworth