I know I have been long since MIA on here but I checked my formspring for the first time in a couple of months and I had a question I thought some of you might enjoy reading.
Q: What I, and most of my friends find odd is that you claim to support body acceptance but have altered a photograph of yours in your blog.
The photo where you were showing what you wore for school was altered to make you look thinner.
To which I replied with...:
A: I actually don't know how to use those kinds of tools in photoshop.
However, I, find it funny that you need come on here to ask this when it actually took me 2 weeks to find this because you are that sad about yourself you have to ask me about my blog.
If you dislike me so much, don't read what I write because I don't write it for you.

Here is the thing, readers. This girl obviously has an issue with me, but instead of attacking my intelligence, she decided to talk about my weight. She must has low self-confidence if she felt the need to ask this anonymously on the internet. I am simply going to say that I am posting this so other people can see that there is no shame in just being yourself.
I don't have any reason to edit photos of myself because I don't need to. I like the way I look, and I like my attitude. And yes, I weigh 160 pounds, I have nothing to hide! I keep people in my life that I can be myself around. I have never needed to pretend I am something I'm not, it takes a long time for some people to be comfortable with the person that they are mentally, physically, spiritually, and I hope that she will get there some day. I am sorry that she does not have anything of her own going on because I really would encourage this girl to maybe consider getting a new hobby. Or perhaps taking a class in feminism, or hey, why not etiquette?