Rock & Rose   +  bloggers brunch

Bloggers Breakfast BT2

I had the pleasure of going to my 1st ever Bloggers Breakfast last Saturday in BT2 Dundrum and what an enjoyable experience!! I met such lovely people, who of course all share a common interest in fashion & blogging, sipped freshly brewed tea and nibbled on pastries & muffins.

Main topics of discussion were of course Scott Schuman, The Sartorialist, visiting Dublin for his book signing & also the Grazia Style Hunter Awards. Both of which got me thinking of how much Ireland has come along in "the fashion stakes". I'll leave you with some pics of the fantastic morning and a huge thank you to Annmarie O'Connor of iblogfashion and all the lovely staff at BT2:)!

The lovely ladies from Off Shoot

The gorgeous blogger Blanaid

Nicky of Nickys Ragtails

Alice of Quirky Fashion

Arsheen of Fashion Filosofy & Cillian of Male Mode

The cutest DJ ever!!


  1. > Rebecca Minkoff SS11
  2. > Style Stalking: Jessica Hart
  3. > Bloggers Anonymous...
  4. > Whooga
  5. > Alber... I DO!!